Selamat Datang Pengunjung Rumah Jurnal
Rumah Jurnal STID Al-Biruni ini merupakan sistem pengelolaan jurnal secara online di STID Al-Biruni Babakan Ciwaringin, Cirebon. Jurnal yang terdaftar merupakan jurnal yang terbit di bawah naungan kelembagaan STID Al-Biruni Babakan Ciwaringin, Cirebon.
Dawamuna: Journal of Da'wah and Islamic Studies
Dawamuna: Journal of Da’wah and Islamic Studies is a peer-reviewed journal by STID Al-Biruni Babakan Ciwaringin, West Java, Indonesia. DAWAMUNA is to provide scientific article of Da’wah and islamic studies that developed in attendance through the article publications, research reports, and book reviews. Dawamuna is open to academics, students, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in contributing their thoughts, especially in the field of Da’wah and Islamic Studies.
Journal of Islamic Community Development
Journal of Islamic Community Development (JICD) is a journal organized by the Department of Islamic Community Development and published by the Al-Biruni Babakan Ciwaringin College of Da'wah Science. Only publish original papers (no plagiarism) from literature and field research related to community development. The focus is on themes and topics of social development which include science, theory, social concepts related to Islam, culture, traditions and social structures.
Tabsyir: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting
Tabsyir: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting is a journal that contains actual issues related to Islam, communication and social da'wah produced by academics through various literature studies (Library Research) or field studies for publication in the form of Scientific Journals. The TABSYIR journal is published twice a year (every six months, published in April and October) by the Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting STID Al-Biruni Babakan Ciwaringin.